Let's start with the basics! The way to do this is to add a __repr__
method to your class.
We'll start with a simple example: we'll create a Molecule
class which takes a SMILES as input, and for the representation we'll just show a descriptive text with the SMILES.
class Molecule:
def __init__(self, smiles):
self.smiles = smiles
def __repr__(self):
return f'<Molecule SMILES="{self.smiles}">'
<Molecule SMILES="CC(=O)NCCC1=CNc2c1cc(OC)cc2">
Plain text is great if you're still using a fax machine, but Jupyter-notebooks support numerous "richer" output types: images (PNG, SVG, JPEG), HTML, LaTeX, MarkDown, and more!
The most straightforward way to use of of these is to implement a _repr_<type>_
method for your class, you can get the list of supported formats here.
We'll continue from the previous Molecule
example, and for the representation we'll fetch the PNG image from PubChem and display it in a _repr_png_
import requests
from html import escape
class Molecule:
def __init__(self, smiles):
self.smiles = smiles
def __repr__(self):
return f'<Molecule SMILES="{self.smiles}">'
def _repr_png_(self):
smiles = escape(self.smiles)
url = f"https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/rest/pug/compound/smiles/{smiles}/PNG"
query = requests.get(url)
if query.ok:
png = query.content
return png
The good thing is that if the _repr_png_
method is called but doesn't return any value (because the molecule could not be found in PubChem for example), it falls back to using the __repr__
This way you can decide wether or not to use the rich display for a molecule based on some other factors like the number of heavy atoms for example, and fall back to text for very large ones that wouldn't produce a readable image.
Okay that's great, but what about built-in types? Can I just add a rich display method to list
or str
Well... not with the previous methodology, Python won't let you mess around with built-in types methods:
TypeError: can't set attributes of built-in/extension type 'list'
But there's an alternative way of registering rich displays for any class or build-in type.
In this example, we will register a new rich display for list
using the text/markdown
example = [
"Never gonna give you up",
"Never gonna let you down",
"Never gonna run around and desert you"
['Never gonna give you up', 'Never gonna let you down', 'Never gonna run around and desert you']
def markdown_stylish_bullet_point(items):
"""Creates a bullet point MarkDown string out of a list of strings"""
return "\n".join(f"- ***{item}***" for item in items)
.for_type(list, markdown_stylish_bullet_point))
Now you can use something similar for other builtins like str
, int
and others.
To get the list of available output formats using this method:
Note that this won't affect calls to print(...)
or __repr__()
, it will only be active when you explicitely call IPython.display.display
on the object, or when the object is the last instruction of a cell.
But what practically useful things can you do with this?
You can already create a function to draw the molecule corresponding to a SMILES, or a grid of molecules, and so on, so why bother? Well... I'll admit, this is mostly usefull out of... lazyness!
Ever been too lazy to type Chem.MolFromSmiles(...)
to visualize what a molecule looks like?
Here's how to automatically display strings that could correspond to a SMILES as molecules:
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem.Draw import IPythonConsole
from rdkit import RDLogger
IPythonConsole.ipython_useSVG = True
SMILES_CHARS = "AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiKkLlMmNnOoPpRrSsTtUuVvWXYyZ0123456789()[].-=#$:/\\+-@"
def smiles_to_svg(smiles):
if all(char in SMILES_CHARS for char in smiles):
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)
svg = IPythonConsole._toSVG(mol)
except Exception:
svg = None
return svg
.for_type(str, smiles_to_svg))
"a normal string"
'a normal string'
The only ambiguous case that could work both as a word (kind of) and a valid SMILES that I could think of:
Now you might say
"But wait Cedric, I have to type all that boilerplate code out of lazyness? That doesn't make any sense!"
And you'd be right! Now here comes the most usefull part of this blog post:
To run this code (or literally any code) everytime you open a notebook or IPython shell, you can create an IPython startup file.
Start by creating a default profile by typing this command in your bash shell: ipython profile create
You should now have a ~/.ipython/profile_default
Then you just need to add a file ending in .py
in ~/.ipython/profile_default/startup/
with whatever code you need. This could be the above snippets, but also importing libraries that you use a lot, or setting up some defaults such as
from rdkit.Chem.Draw import IPythonConsole
IPythonConsole.ipython_useSVG = True